What’s Stopping You?

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Moving forward in our God-given dreams.

What’s stopping you from moving forward in your dreams? It’s a challenge to start something new. The desire to do it is there, but the fear of the unknown is also present. We hear whispers in our ears saying we aren’t good enough. Fear, doubt, and insecurity can swoop in like a storm and tell us why we cannot, should not, and must not do this. Before we know it, we get blown off course and end up in a heap of worry and inactivity.

What are some of your fears, insecurities, or worries today? How can you turn from doubt to faith in a good God and take your next step forward?

What will people think? I’ve let the need for approval keep me from doing a lot of good things. Too often we care way too much about what other people think and don’t care enough about what God thinks and says about us or how much He loves us. When we step out to let our light shine and to do whatever God has called us to do, it’s going to be uncomfortable at times. We can’t please everyone, and it takes way too much energy to try. Let’s focus on honoring and obeying the Lord every day and let the rest fall into place.

“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Galatians 1:10

What if God doesn’t want me to do this? I have asked myself this question too many times. There is always doubt in our mind that says God doesn’t want us to do it. We fear disappointing God or making the “wrong” choice. Sometimes we get overly wrapped up in discovering some specific “will of God” that we miss His simple leading. We can be so afraid of making mistakes that we no longer listen to His nudges. God doesn’t lead us through fear or punishment. He loves us. Trust Him. He’s faithful to lead you. Take time to discern the specific fears you have about not measuring up or displeasing God and ask Him to help you in those areas.

What if I fail? Well, then you can join the club with the rest of us who have failed and who aren’t perfect (and yet are pressing on). All of us fail. We just have to get back up and try again. We learn from everything we do. It’s not about the success, it’s about the simple faithfulness to step forward in whatever way the Lord is leading you. He will help you along the way. Be patient with God, with yourself, and with your goals. Everything takes time. Just because you don’t see any progress doesn’t mean it isn’t happening below the surface.

It’s too hard. No. It’s not. God will carry you. You are not alone in anything. Whatever God calls you to do, He will give you everything you need to do it. He’s the one who called you into His service and into His kingdom. He’s backing you up. Is anything too hard for God? Whenever I find it difficult to sit and write another blog post, I pray about it. God always gives me a topic, even if I end up with one that I wasn’t planning to write or that seemed to come out of nowhere. We always know where it comes from. God is our source and He never runs out. Ask Him for whatever you need today.

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?

Jeremiah 32:27

Is anyone else doing this? It doesn’t really matter. When you step out to do something you were uniquely created to do, it doesn’t matter if someone else is doing something similar or if it’s very different than what others are doing. God doesn’t make mistakes when He makes us or when He equips us for a unique plan. Just because you don’t have a twin out in the world as an example for what you should do doesn’t mean you can’t walk by faith in God and fulfill the unique purpose He has for you (just by being yourself and walking with Him every day!).

Where do I start? Some dreams seem way too big for us. We don’t know where to start. We think the destination is way too far from where we are right now and we get discouraged and don’t even start. The best way to start is to just take the first step. Maybe that is deciding on a name for a business or ministry, maybe it’s signing up for a group or starting one, or maybe it’s initiating a conversation with someone who can help you on this journey. Whatever is the first or next step for you, decide to do it, even if you’re afraid.

“Courage is fear that takes the next step”

I hope these questions are helpful in revealing any confusion or doubt you have as you grow with the Lord and pursue the things He has put in your heart. I share these topics because I’ve too often let fear and doubt take hold in my own life. Fear and doubt cloud out God’s love and make life seem dark and heavy. They make it seem like God will be upset about something we do or don’t do. They even tell us we aren’t good enough…or aren’t loved enough. Don’t let fear or insecurity keep you from receiving God’s love and moving forward.

Challenge/Takeaway Action: Write down the fears, worries, insecurities, or doubts you are experiencing today. There might be something specific the Lord shows you as you write those down. Maybe there is something else in life making it hard to focus on your God-given dreams and direction for your life. Whatever you find weighing you down or consuming your thoughts, or even guiding your decisions, take those to the Lord and ask Him for the wisdom, freedom, grace, and truth you need in your life to keep moving forward. God bless you!

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