Creativity & Freedom of Expression

for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

“Creativity” is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. – Oxford Dictionary

“Expression” is the process of making known one’s thoughts or feelings. – Oxford Dictionary

Free to create.

Where are you struggling with creativity or the expression of your ideas? Are you feeling uninspired? Or do you just feel stuck?

One of the greatest hindrances to creativity in my own life has been the feeling of inadequacy and the fear of stepping out of the comfort zone. When I feel inadequate, stuck, or confined, I can’t think creatively. I don’t allow myself to imagine, dream, or see differently.

I often feel like my ideas aren’t good enough, or that I’m not good enough to follow through on those ideas. My beliefs about myself or my fear of failing can keep me from moving forward.

When I started writing and creating this blog, I was afraid I wasn’t going to do it correctly. I was afraid I hadn’t chosen the right name or look for it. I felt that I didn’t know enough to write these topics. Despite my insecurities, the Lord reminded me that He had already walked with me through the life experiences and struggles that inspired the blog. He had already equipped me. He had already given me the creativity I needed. It wasn’t about being enough, it was about trusting in what the Lord had already done.

Are you worried your ideas won’t measure up? Are you afraid your creativity isn’t enough? It is enough. God has already given you what you need and has given you the freedom to use it. Creativity is a choice. It’s a decision to live out the freedom we have despite how we feel.

Freedom of expression.

Sometimes it’s not creativity or imagination that is a problem. Sometimes we are lacking the freedom to fully express those ideas.

I believe we find the most creativity and inspiration when we are free and unhindered by shame, heaviness, guilt, worry, doubt, condemnation, and fear. The more we deal with our mindsets and self-limiting factors, the more we experience and express the God-given freedom we truly have.

Being free from the shame of the past and fear of making mistakes was what opened the door to me being able to walk forward in the confidence of who I am, who God is, and what he has called me to do. I truly believe that as we let go of our own expectations, our fears, and our need to control, God is able to birth new ideas in us, outside our comfort zone, outside our need for perfection, outside our own understanding. With freedom from ourselves comes an open door for God’s ideas and the freedom to try things and make our own mistakes in the pursuit of knowing God more.

Creativity hinges on the freedom to express oneself and one’s views without judgment or fear.

Do you ever feel afraid to express who you are and the work God is doing in your life? Do you feel afraid of what people will say? I have felt that fear many times. I wondered what people would think if I fully reflected on the outside the work God was doing inside my heart. I kept myself in a box for a long time, not knowing what people would think if I began to step out and shine Christ’s love completely, from head to foot.

As our identities become more and more in line with who God says we are, the need for recognition or approval from others falls away. The more comfortable I’ve become with the expression of who I am and what God is actually doing in my life, the easier it has been to let go of expectations and pursue new ideas without fear of what people will say.

The more we are at peace with who we are in Christ, the more natural creativity and expression become, because we are simply reflecting the uniqueness of the work He is doing in each of us. Life will be less about shame and guilt, striving and comparison, and more about Jesus and living in His grace and expressing the freedom, love, and peace we have in Him.

Challenge/Takeaway Action: I challenge you to write down 5 things that are weighing you down or are so heavy on your mind or heart that they are restricting you from having peace and freedom in your life. Write down the things that are keeping you from running your race with Jesus unhindered, unafraid, and unashamed. Give those things to God and ask him for healing, freedom, grace and covering, wisdom, and the creativity you need.

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